PermissionsUpdated 5 months ago
In every organization, you may want specific user roles to access customer data, payment functionality, and configuration. PayPack handles visibility through NetSuite’s user and role permissions.
novaApps Center Tab
Center tabs are native to NetSuite’s navigation. By default, novaApps is assigned to center tab Classic Center.
You can show or hide Center tabs by navigating toCustomization → Centers and Tabs → Center Tabs.
User roles are assigned to Center Tabs so you will also need to make edits accordingly.
Transaction Form Subtab
To show or hide PayPack subtabs for Sales Order, Invoices, Credit Memos, etc, you will need to edit the role permissions→ Forms → Custom Record.
Transaction Custom Records
To show or hide PayPack custom records for Sales Order, Invoices, Credit Memos, etc, you will need to edit the rolePermissions → Custom Record.
Saved Searches
You can set a saved search to allow view and edit access by roles, departments, subsidiaries, groups, employees, or partners. Navigate to the corresponding saved search and go to Audience tab.