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Error Logging

PayPack keeps a log record of all processes for payment charges and refunds. You can find logs under each NetSuite transaction’s subtab or by using the custom page searches listed below. The below are examples of common error messages and troubleshoo


In every organization, you may want specific user roles to access customer data, payment functionality, and configuration. PayPack handles visibility through NetSuite’s user and role permissions. Center tabs are native to NetSuite’s navigation. By de


To confirm that your integration works correctly, simulate transactions in Stripe test mode. Success Notification: Customer updated successfully.

Security Compliance

Nova Module is Oracle NetSuite’s SDN (SuiteCloud Developer Network) partner. The SuiteCloud Developer Network (SDN) is a dedicated, end-to-end program geared toward developers who build specialized and complimentary solutions to extend the NetSuite p

Renew PayPack License

To renew an expiring PayPack license, go to navigation menu tab novaApps → PayPack - Integrated Payment Processing Solution for Stripe → Configuration. On this page, a Stripe payment link (Activate) is available to easily renew the license for anothe