SurchargesUpdated 5 months ago
There are business use cases where you may want to charge a transaction convenience fee. When enabled, the surcharge fee is applied across any PayPack charge on the customer, sales order, invoice, and invoice group. On successful charge, a separate NetSuite invoice transaction is created with a new line item to track the surcharge without impacting the original transaction details.
- Flat Amount Surcharge – Enter a static value (i.e. 5 for $5)
- % Amount Surcharge – Enter a static value (i.e. 3 for 3%)
- Surcharge Form Label – This form label only appears on the payment link page.
- Surcharge Item – Recommend setting up a non-inventory or payment item to collect surcharge totals.
- Surcharge Invoice Mappings – When needing to populate required fields on an invoice transaction, enter metadata in JSON format to satisfy the requirement.
Sample JSON data for Invoice Mapping
1{2 "mapping": {3 "fields": [4 {5 "generate": "otherrefnum",6 "lookupName": "otherrefnumlookup"7 },8 {9 "generate": "subsidiary",10 "initializationDefaultValue": true,11 "lookupName": "subsidairylookup"12 },13 {14 "generate": "memo",15 "lookupName": "subsidairylookup"16 },17 {18 "generate": "shipmethod",19 "hardCodedValue": "",20 "fieldType": "text",21 "discardIfEmpty": false22 },23 {24 "generate": "shippingcost",25 "hardCodedValue": 0,26 "fieldType": "",27 "discardIfEmpty": false28 },29 {30 "generate": "taxcode",31 "extract": "",32 "hardCodedValue": -733 },34 {35 "generate": "shippingtax1rate",36 "extract": "",37 "hardCodedValue": 038 }39 ],40 "sublist": {41 "item": [42 {43 "generate": "location",44 "extract": "",45 "hardCodedValue": 246 },47 {48 "generate": "taxcode",49 "extract": "",50 "hardCodedValue": -751 },52 {53 "generate": "shippingrate",54 "extract": "",55 "hardCodedValue": 056 }57 ]58 }59 },60 "lookups": {61 "otherrefnumlookup": {62 "resultFieldId": "tranid",63 "recordType": "parent"64 },65 "subsidairylookup": {66 "resultFieldId": "subsidiary",67 "recordType": "parent"68 }69 }70}